9 Topics To Write About On Your Affiliate Marketing Blog

Wednesday, March 12th, 2025
You are now a blogger in your own home based Affiliate Marketing business, which has become your chosen profession to earn extra income. Perhaps it’s a second career. So there you are, sitting in front of that blinking cursor facing another self imposed deadline to write content.

All you have however is a blank document and empty canvas, a white screen staring back at you, seemingly smirking. What to write about?

What begins to form, is a cold sweat and clammy hands, as you struggle to write another new article. So what to do, as your mind goes into fear mode, as you don’t have anything new to write about.

What you need, is to hit the reset button in your brain.

Go back to the basics, and formulate new fresh core ideas on the types of content that you’ve written in the past, one’s that connected with your reading audience.

The most important being, regardless of what type of content you write about, that quality is always the key ingredient. To make a connection, to get your idea or point across.

Just simply throwing together a series of words into a post that?s completely derivative, or has no communal knowledge, won?t sit well with your educated readers, and can potentially cost you by they leaving.

So what you need, is to come up with a variety of different types of content, to remain relevant.

9 Topic Themes You Can Blog About

1.) – Write A Timely Post
Always be aware of any upcoming events or trends in your niche or industry, which should generate some fresh content ideas for you.

The information that you provide should be awe inspiring, that’s new and unique to your audience.

What you’re also doing, is providing crossover interest, for those who are searching for this type of information, regarding the event that you?re writing about.

Never attempt to try too hard, or become overly shrewd to shoehorn the relevance in.

What’s more important is to be timely, as writing about something in September, about something that occurred back in April, just won?t be interesting.

2.) – Create An Informative Post
What you intimately know is your niche and industry inside out. You have an in-depth idea on which topics are of interest to your reading audience.

Think about all the issues that you yourself, personally dealt with recently.

The chances are good, that your readers are most likely experiencing the same issues as well.

Write about how you were impacted, how you dealt with it, and how it could help and impact them.

Although you may think that your particular experience, isn?t worth writing about, it will act as confirmation that they?re not alone.

This especially, if they?re going through similar problems, which may lead to someone commenting, asking a question or offering a solution that you may not thought of previously.

This topic can also then become the basis for your next article.

3.) – Write A Humorous Post
If you’re familiar with the nuances of your audience and its mood, then what you can always do is inject a bit of well timed humor that has taste. Something that will make them laugh.

Google for instance in the past, with their continuous never ending algorithm updates, has employed the animal kingdom such as Penguins, Pandas, and Hummingbirds as namesakes.

So what some have done, is suggested new animals for their next update, whenever that may be. You can also capitalize on doing something just as unique, for your niche.

4.) – Compile A ?Top 10 List? Post
This type of post, writing say a “Top 10” list, has always been popular because it’s concise, and the reader knows exactly what to expect.

This type of post is always long lasting and can go viral, as sites such as BuzzFeed for instance, has extreme success with it.

Making a ?list? post is easily digestible for the reader, since what’s formulated in their mind is they know the length of the post.

You can make the post informative or funny, while curating most of it. All you need to do, is keep it focused around a specific topic or theme.

5.) – Make An Astute Observation
You might see a gap in the market, a specific need that needs to be filled, that everyone may have missed.

Find a way how you could solve a problem in your niche, to make it better or cheaper.

Look for a small piece to solve the missing link in the puzzle, that you think will fit in or compliment the bigger picture.

You can then write about the details regarding your discovery, opinion or realization, that your niche can benefit from.

6.) – Stray A Bit Off Topic
You should only write this type of post sparingly, as a break from the norm or as a refresher. What doing so, will give you and your blog a bit of personality.

So write about taking a stand, an opposing viewpoint or opinion on an issue in your industry. Write about certain pitfalls, that you know will startle your audience.

The risk of doing so however, is that it has the potential of alienating certain segments of your readers.

Once you do express a polarizing view, realize you might upset those who only cares about reading about your product or service, and nothing else.

7.) – Making A Futurist Post
You know your niche or industry inside out, and have a deep understanding on the direction where it?s headed.

So write a bold prediction type of article, while making sure that you let your readers know that what they?re reading, is conjecture and your opinion.

You can detail why you think there will be certain roadblocks or breakthroughs in your industry, that may occur.

Write about why certain things need to change and then explain why. You can remain broad or be as specific as you want.

Realize that you might take some type of critical feedback from your ideas, so be prepared for that.

8.) – Write A “How To” Post
This is similar to an informative post, which is writing a detailed “How To” type of article.

Begin by putting together some type of guide, or a whitepaper for your audience, on how best that they can learn to use or take advantage of a certain process, procedure or situation.

You can help them in recognizing that you?re a leader in the industry, an expert as well as an educational resource in your niche, that will draw them back to you.

9.) – Write An ?Attack? Post
This is a type of post that you need to be a bit careful about, as you can easily isolate yourself. It can potentially backfire and you may lose some readers.

At times, it’s better to just respectfully disagree with someone, rather than becoming disrespectful towards them.

This has worked for certain brands, but it does run the risk of alienating or causing a potential online flame war. One where some, especially you may not come out ahead.

To Attract Readers And Get More Traffic

Getting organic traffic from the search engines is a finicky beast, and it won?t arrive in spades like you’re hoping it will, just because you wrote an interesting post.

What you need, is to fight and claw past your competition and be better than them, to get those clicks.

You’re not going to win every battle. What you need, is to be consistent and be constantly writing new and awe inspiring content.

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