4 Steps To Become An Affiliate Marketing Blogger

Get Affiliate Marketing Training With Ongoing Live Webinars And Community Support

Learn How to Build an Affiliate Business – No Experience Needed – Beginner to Intermediate Training

Updated: Monday, October 21st, 2024

Dear Friend 😉
I Think That You Will Agree With Me When I Say: That It’s Hard To Make Money From Home When You’re Trying To Do So On Your Own…

or is it?

Well, it turns out that you can learn the basics on becoming a successful Affiliate Marketer by learning just 4 Steps.

First Let Me Ask You a Question…

Do you often feel like there’s nothing that’s ever going to work for you? That Internet Marketing is too hard?

Seriously, it’s okay to be honest. I know the feeling if you feel that way.

Check The Following Boxes And Nod “Yes” If You Agree:

? Do you own a computer or a mobile device and have Internet access?

? Do you have free time available to start your own online business part-time or full-time?

? Can you follow direction by learning the lessons of this concise training program?

? Are you capable of writing detailed articles reports and reviews on time or are willing to learn?

? Are you reliable and promise to treat this like a real job and not just a hobby?

? Do you want to stop jumping from one program or method to the next with nothing to show for it?

? Do you want to create your own online business and blog that you can be proud of to show your loved ones?

How would you like to set up your own work from home office, and claim a portion of your rent or mortgage, computer and Internet usage as a business expense?

Are You Ready To Start The Next Chapter Of Your Life?

At the beginning you will be overwhelmed. Some claims and testimonials on Wealthy Affiliate, of those who’s succeeded in the program before you, may sound too good to be true.

Realize that Wealthy Affiliate is a culmination, a collection of learning tools on what works and what doesn’t work, towards your journey to becoming a successful online marketer.

These are the stories and the accounts of how others managed to earn a living on the Internet. They went through the training, had their ups and downs, the sweat and the tears, and ultimately tasted success as a member of Wealthy Affiliate.

Wealthy Affiliate is the entire blueprint of decades of experience that you can follow and learn from, so you can avoid the pitfalls, and become successful yourself. Believe that this is for you.

Here Is Why This Program Is Perfect For You To Start On A Shoestring Budget

? It’s an easy to follow online Done-For-You training program
? You can work at your own pace part-time or full-time
? It costs less than $50 per month to start
? You can work from almost anywhere in the world
? It’s passion purpose and profit based
? Your business can be scaled up and it is sellable
? You don’t need to quit your job just yet
? What you’re building is a true asset

Every question that you have about the Wealthy Affiliate platform, the training program and the marketing are answered here.

Then it’s up to you to decide if it?s a good idea for you to join and become a member.

What’s provided is a complete overview, where every crack and crevice will be revealed. Then you’ll know if you want to join.

Wealthy Affiliate Review – How It All Began

Meet the co-founders, Kyle and Carson who started out similar to where you are today. Back in 2005, they began experimenting with online marketing. Their vision was to start a website to help bloggers, small business owners, and entrepreneurs establish and grow their own online business.

As a result, Wealthy Affiliate was born and has grown into one of the largest training programs and communities for online affiliate marketers, with over 1,400,000 members from over 190 countries, all who participates in learning and growing their own home based online business.

Since its beginning, Wealthy Affiliate has evolved with the times, as Internet Marketing is a fast moving entity. So the training, the website hosting, and the traffic methods are constantly being updated to keep up with the latest technological trends, and it promises to continue to do so.

What Is The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

Wealthy Affiliate’s mission statement, is to help new and experienced entrepreneurs, establish and grow their new or existing online business, this with a focus on affiliate marketing, using Search Engine Optimization (SEO) methods.

Affiliate marketing is a marketing agreement, where online retailers agrees to pay a commission to marketers, for sales or traffic that’s generated from their referrals.

The business model is extremely flexible and can be scaled up, as affiliate marketers don’t need to own their own products. What you’re promoting, are products that merchants and other people already own. So there’s no limit to how big you can expand.

There is no ceiling on how much money you can earn, as you can promote multiple blogs and thousands of products at the same time. There’s no shipping or customer service after the sale, that’s required by you. CLICK Here

What’s Included In The Wealthy Affiliate Membership Platform

? A comprehensive learning academy for beginners and experienced marketers alike, that’s complete with certification courses, intensive affiliate “Bootcamp” marketing training, continuous ongoing webinars, and weekly online classrooms that includes live video training

? A WordPress website builder, that features comprehensive cutting edge website analysis, dedicated managed 24/7 monitoring, real-time statistics, website rankings, and ironclad security to protect your websites from external intrusions

? A content writing platform, with a free stock photo database that offers millions of royalty free images

? A top notch “cloud” based web hosting service, with free SSL encryption for all your websites, and courteous 24/7 support for all your technical issues

? An in-house domain name registry service, where you can search for and find the perfect domain name for your niche. The service also provides privacy protection and no other upgrades, guaranteed

? An active online community and social networking group of other affiliate marketers, who’s focused strictly on helping each other with technical or support queries all related to affiliate marketing and the WA platform. There’s also live chat and a forum, where members are encouraged to actively share and publish their blog posts, along with a private messaging system

? An exclusive in-house site commenting feature for your blog posts, where you can give and receive comments for your site or individual blog posts from other members, which improves your SEO ranking

? A database of millions of affiliate products, that you can immediately choose and analyze. This is built right into the Wealthy Affiliate platform. You can then pick the perfect product for your niche blog. Every product lists the exact specifics such as the payout options, the commission paid, who the vendor is, who the affiliate network is, etc.

? Comprehensive step-by-step marketing training so you can get organic SEO traffic to your blog, which features an exclusive keyword and niche market research tool, that exposes optimized keyword lists that rank. There’s keyword training, a link tracker, and webpage optimization training that’s also included CLICK Here

The Wealthy Affiliate 4 Steps To Success

Step 1: Choose An Interest – Blog About What You’re Passionate About
You’re wondering why you should blog about something that you’re passionate about, and not just pick a popular subject or topic that’s evergreen or trending on the Internet. The reason is because your blog needs life, it needs sustainability.

What will translate on your blog, is how much you love something such as your dog, or your favorite hobby like quilting. Your passion shows, because you’ll never get bored writing about it.

We all have interests, we all love to do things to occupy our time. If you have passion in something, then the chances are good that others will as well. You can then share this interest with the world, by providing information and insight on your blog.

At the same time, you can make money in the process. Once you get emotional about something, it translates into profits. This is the key step on your journey to success! CLICK Here

Step 2: Build A Website – Your Own Professional WordPress Blog
Once you love doing something, then your enthusiasm will show when you write about it. The WordPress blog is your platform, your canvas to express this love for what you do. It becomes your online portfolio of who you are.

It also becomes your online retail store where you can market affiliate products to earn an income, that’s related to your niche. The best part of starting your online blog, is that it’s virtually rent free, and not associated with the costs of opening a real “brick and mortar” retail store at the local mall or downtown.

It can however, be just as profitable and at times more so, because there’s minimal overhead, such as just the cost of the web hosting.

You have complete freedom to express yourself, choose the theme, the colors of who you are, and how others can relate to you. What you’re building is your own personal online brand.

Step 3: Attract Visitors – Learn To Generate Traffic
So back to that “brick and mortar” store downtown. For it to make any money, it needs as much foot traffic and word of mouth as it can get. If the store is out in the suburbs, and even if they’re giving away free dog houses for your new puppy, if nobody knows about it, it will go bankrupt. Your new blog is similar.

What you need to learn is how to get as much targeted traffic as possible to your site, for you to make any money. What you may have is the greatest blog in the world with riveting content, that reveals your immense passion. You can offer the greatest in-demand products at the best prices, but if no one knows about you, you’re digital dust.

So what you need is to know how to generate traffic to your blog, hopefully organically, so those interested in your niche, can search for and find your site, and flock to it. What’s needed, is time tested proven training, that will draw non-stop traffic to your blog. CLICK Here

Step 4: Earn Income – How To Make Money From Your Blog
Almost everyone online began with affiliate marketing, when first starting their business. The idea and process of affiliate marketing, is that you promote on behalf of a merchant, their products through your website or blog.

At times, there’s an affiliate network involved, who operates as a “middleman” that connects you the marketer with the merchant. What you earn is a preset commission, once someone buys the merchants product, through your marketing efforts.

What it’s based on is revenue sharing, as you provide the exposure that the merchant can’t or doesn’t have time for. This is the reason why for merchants to sell more product, they will offer a financial incentive through an affiliate program to earn more revenue.

So if you the blogger have no product to sell yourself, and are wanting to earn money, the easiest way to do so, is to promote a product that you feel will compliment your niche blog, and then get paid for it.

Affiliate Programs Search Platform

Once you’ve selected a niche that you’re passionate about, and have furnished your WordPress blog with a variety of content, you are now ready to earn money by promoting Affiliate Programs from the various merchants and authors from around the globe, that will compliment your blog.

Searching for and finding, then researching the perfect affiliate programs for your blog or niche, has never been easier. What you’ll find is a comprehensive database of companies, that offers their various products to you, so you can promote them as an affiliate.

Search For The Perfect Affiliate Product
The search function is one of the key features, as it offers Wealthy Affiliate members the ability to search for, and easily find the perfect affiliate program of your liking, quickly. The search function is based on keywords and filters, that meets the exact criteria that you’re looking for.

What’s possible is searching for affiliate programs, based on a number of specific filters that you can apply:

[+] – Country availability (If the affiliate product is available in your country)
[+] – The payout options that are available
[+] – If the affiliate program has automatic approval so you can promote it immediately
[+] – The “rating” on a particular affiliate program you’re wanting to promote
[+] – The commission %/$ that the affiliate program pays out
[+] – If there are any affiliate network fees involved

Wealthy Affiliate Keyword “Search” Platform

Wealthy Affiliate has integrated its blogging platform with Jaxxy, which is a 3rd party keyword competition research tool, that’s considered the industry standard, and the best, when it comes to keyword research for affiliate marketers.

Kyle and Carson, has combined their decades of online affiliate marketing experience and expertise, to develop this industrial grade keyword search tool, Jaxxy. Proper and concise keyword research, can be a time consuming aggravating process, as well as being an extremely costly one for online marketers, if it’s done wrong.

When developing content for your blog, what you want is to target the most in-demand low competition “low hanging fruit” keywords, that your visitors are searching for on the Internet, so they can find your product or site. The Jaxxy “lite” membership, is included in the Premium membership.

What’s Included In Jaxxy “Lite”

CLICK Here To Get Started On Your Free Trial

Wealthy Affiliate Training And Education

What the training does, is helps its members succeed in their affiliate marketing business. Affiliate marketing, allows entrepreneurs and online businesses to earn a commission on products and services, that’s offered by these companies. The affiliate marketer, does not need to stock inventory, or bother with shipping or support.

This is an excellent opportunity, especially if you don’t own a product to sell. All you need is to promote the products that are owned by other merchants, and earn a commission once they sell. The commission that you can earn, can reach up to 70% or at times 100% (for digital products).

There are also recurring affiliate commission programs, where you are paid a commission every month, for as long as the member that you referred remains in the program as a paying member, such as the affiliate program that Wealthy Affiliate offers.

What the Wealthy Affiliate training introduces to its members, is a ground floor opportunity in the affiliate marketing world. It’s a step-by-step training program, that’s structured for the absolute beginner as well as for the advanced marketer.

What it has are fully actionable tasks and assignments, that forces its members to take action on what they’ve learned. It?s a complete ?Earn while you Learn? done-for-you system.

The training expands into WordPress design and architecture, niche and market research. It then advances into SEO training using keyword research, content creation, social media marketing, local and video marketing, email marketing, pay per click marketing, and much much more. CLICK Here

Wealthy Affiliate Online Education And Certification Programs

(Available For Free Starter Members And Premium Members)

Online Certification – Level 1 (5 Phases)

Phase 1: Getting Started
The 1st phase that includes 10 introductory lessons, are oriented towards building a foundation for your online affiliate business, along with an introduction on how you can earn money from your blogs. It also includes goal setting, choosing a niche, building your WordPress website and more.

Phase 2: Building your Own Traffic Producing Website
What you need is targeted traffic that converts, regardless of what your online business is, in order to succeed. So the key becomes learning how to generate this traffic to your site, then you can realize extraordinary success. This 10 lesson training, is about learning how to generate no cost techniques, that will allow you to capture highly relevant traffic for any niche.

Phase 3: Making Money
What you should have by now is content on your blog, while knowing the basics on how to generate traffic. What this 10 lesson phase teaches you are different ways on converting this traffic into revenue. What’s explained, are the various ways on how you can generate income from your blog.

Phase 4: Mastering Social Engagement
Having a presence on Social Media, has become extremely important when it comes to online marketing. Social engagement, is now a key factor when it comes to ranking high on the search engines. What this 10 lesson phase teaches you is how to generate traffic using the major social media outlets.

Phase 5: Achieving Maximum Success Through Content Creation
What you now have is a fully functional WordPress blog, that’s indexed, generating traffic that’s hopefully converting into revenue. What’s taught in this phase are advanced methods on blog creation, which includes the layout, design, and architecture of your website, for better engagement. You’ll also get tips on how to outsource your content, as well as scaling up and leveraging your business.

Online Certification “Bootcamp” Training

Building A Traffic Producing Revenue Generating Blog

Affiliate Bootcamp ? Phase 1: Powering up your online business and getting it to roll forward quickly
Affiliate Bootcamp ? Phase 2: Creating excellent content, finding the highest converting keywords, getting traffic that turns into revenue
Affiliate Bootcamp ? Phase 3: Boosting up your site for maximum power, while giving it Social Value
Affiliate Bootcamp ? Phase 4: Getting more visual online, improving your blog aesthetics, establishing a brand for your blog
Affiliate Bootcamp ? Phase 5: Understanding your audience better, while catapulting your referrals
Affiliate Bootcamp ? Phase 6: Learning about the other major search engines such as Bing and Yahoo, learning all about Pay Per Click
Affiliate Bootcamp ? Phase 7: How to scale up a successful PPC campaign, to generate more targeted traffic

This is just scratching the surface on the Wealthy Affiliate Training that’s available, as there’s also Live Video Training on a weekly basis, etc.

Wealthy Affiliate Managed WordPress Hosting

Reliable web hosting that offers optimal up-time and immediate page load, is a critical part of any successful online Internet business. When you?re in the process of building a new website, your choice of hosts often can be one of the last things that’s on your mind. Neglecting to choose the right hosting service however, can have disastrous effects on your affiliate marketing business.

With so many choices that are available, the easiest route is to simply choose the cheapest web host option. Web hosting however, is and should be considered the biggest investment for your online business. Think of your host as your storefront, as the key foundational piece where your site can operate efficiently.

You wouldn?t build a house or a business on a shaky foundation, so why would you build your blog with a low quality host. If it loads too slow, or it’s always down, then no one, which includes the search engines who indexes your site, or someone who wants to buy something from you, will never visit.

Beyond the intensive affiliate marketing training program, what Wealthy Affiliate also provides is web hosting for 10 WordPress sites. this once you become a Premium Member.

This is a professional leading edge “cloud” based WordPress specific web hosting service, which is worth the price of membership alone. What’s offered is a 99.9% uptime guarantee, with lightening quick page loads.

So based just on this commitment alone, you can count on Wealthy Affiliate to provide superior web hosting services as advertised, when it comes to their “uptime.” If the hosting fails and has plenty of complaints, since it’s part of the Wealthy Affiliate membership, they have no other choice but to keep their servers running as fast and reliable as possible.

NOTE: Wealthy Affiliate Hosting does not include cPanel access, but FTP access is available.

Website Security
Security is a paramount issue when it comes to WA hosting. Every site on their servers are backed up daily. What their in-house website control panel SiteRubix does, is monitors for malware, hacking and virus intrusions.

There is also an alert system for your databases and filesystems. So there’s no need to install a WordPress 3rd party security plugin, as that’s all been taken care of.

Domain Names
What Wealthy Affiliate has is it’s own registry for domain names. You can search for and register your own top level domain, with no up-sells whatsoever, for one low fee. What’s also included, is WHOIS protection/privacy, and advanced DNS automation and management.

Wealthy Affiliate Web Host Performance
Wealthy Affiliate’s hosting infrastructure uses Amazon’s c3.large (faster) cloud hosting. This is the same hosting speed that runs high volume sites such as Netflix, Expedia, Comcast, etc.

Guaranteed Up-time
Wealthy Affiliate offers an 99.9% up-time policy. So your sites visibility and your page load speeds shouldn?t be an issue. Although no web host is perfect because of all the uncertainties on the Internet, but since hosting is part of the Wealthy Affiliate membership, their obligation is to be as reliably perfect as possible as promised

Wealthy Affiliates Customer Support
If you have an issue and need to contact customer support, their replies are usually within 5 minutes to 1 hour during peak times. The average response time is around 20 minutes.

They are extremely courteous, patient, and helpful. Their support ranges from domain and site transfer issues from another hosting company, to 301 redirects, to plugins, etc.

Website performance and loading times are usually quick and reliable, as it’s built on a cloud hosting infrastructure. Up-time is reliable and constantly monitored. Customer support is quick, courteous and knowledgeable.

What Wealthy Affiliate offers is the complete package. Managed WordPress hosting along with excellent affiliate marketing training and community support, to set you on track so you can start earning money whenever you’re ready.

Testimonials – What Others Are Saying

Please Accept This Invitation To Join The 7 Day Free Trial

1.) – Sign Up For A 7 Day Starter Trial
Sign Up Here to get started. All that’s needed is your name and email address. Pick a user name and password. Once doing so, you’ll be immediately directed to the Wealthy Affiliate members area, then have a look around.

What you won’t need is to enter your credit card details, until you decide to join the Premium membership after the 7 day starter trial. By then, you should have a good idea if this is for you or not.

2.) – Set Up Your Profile
Once logged in, start personalizing your account profile. The reason why is because Wealthy Affiliate is a social networking platform as well as a training site. It’s an online marketing community, that’s willing to help like minded affiliate marketers like yourself, to succeed.

What having a personalized profile does, is allows the other members to get to know who you are. So make sure that you upload your profile photo and add a short personal description about yourself, this to gain trust while building business relationships.

3.) – Look Around The Dashboard
Your dashboard is your Wealthy Affiliate homepage, where you will find everything that you need to get started. You can easily customize your dashboard by adding content, that’s relevant to you.

You can view the latest trending information, such as the new Premium members that just joined, read the live chat, or the Top 10 posts of the day. These are all posts from other Wealthy Affiliate members, who posted on their WA blog, and shared it with the community.

4.) – Get Familiar
Use the search bar that’s located at the top of the dashboard, that will give you access to the entire Wealthy Affiliate forum and network. It’s also recommended, that before you ask a question in the live chat area or the community, to use the search function instead.

The reason for this, is that you’ll most likely find the answer quicker and more accurately. Believe that every issue and problem that you may have that’s associated with Wealthy Affiliate, has already been answered somewhere somehow. For technical issues contact support, which is located at the bottom of the left directory bar.

5.) – Begin The Training ? Learn All You Can
At the Starter level, you can access the 1st level of the Wealthy Affiliate training. There are 2 training modules, the Online Entrepreneur Certification (OEC) and the Affiliate Bootcamp. So start there.

The OEC training has 5 levels, 50 lessons and 28 tasks in total, which teaches you how to create an online affiliate business, as well as you can promote any product or service that’s beneficial for your niche.

The Affiliate Bootcamp training includes 7 phases with a total of 70 lessons. The Bootcamp training teaches you how to set up an affiliate marketing business that promotes the WA Affiliate program.

6.) – Create Your Free Websites
The Starter Trial membership allows you to set up 2 free WordPress blogs. By using the Site Manager tool, you can create the website(s) on the siterubix.com domain, such as yourniche.siterubix.com.

You can then start the groundwork, by experimenting and perfecting your ideal WordPress theme, which you can eventually transfer over to your domain name.

Know If The Wealthy Affiliate Premium Membership Is For You

What the Starter membership gives you, is a taste of the training program, the community, and the WordPress hosting, so you can decide if it’s for you. What upgrading to premium offers is the entire platform, so you can start your own online affiliate business.

Whether you’re new to affiliate marketing, or an experienced blogger with multiple WordPress sites, what Wealthy Affiliate offers is something for everyone.

Begin by signing up for a Starter Membership on Wealthy Affiliate ? CLICK Here

Before Signing Up With Wealthy Affiliate

Before You Begin…
First, take inventory of yourself and where you’re at, in your stage of life. Gauge the exact level of your knowledge, when it comes to starting your own home based business. Wealthy Affiliate is available for anyone wanting to make a change.

This is for you if you’re brand new to Internet Marketing, or if you’re already an established advanced marketing expert. If new, then you need to understand and take into consideration the learning curve that you need to prepare for.

Also take inventory of how much time you plan to dedicate, and focus on working at your new home based business. You can begin part-time and learn the training at your own pace, or you can jump in and begin right away setting up your sites.

Make a promise to yourself regardless, that you’ll work hard at this, stick with the training and learn, and not give up despite of how difficult or frustrating it may become.

Wealthy Affiliate is designed for you if you’re an absolute beginner, who has no idea where to begin, and starting at ground zero. This is also an excellent platform, if you are an experienced blogger or marketer, who’s looking for world class hosting for all your sites.

Many join because of the hosting, but stay for the community, as Wealthy Affiliate is suitable for every level of entrepreneur.

The Wealthy Affiliate program may not be for you however, if you’re looking for a get rich quick scheme, and may become disappointed if you don’t get immediate results, as this is not a “shiny new object” program. What you’ll learn instead, is a time tested proven step-by-step training program, that will teach you how to become a successful Affiliate Marketer.

The Starter Membership is a free 7 day trial: CLICK Here. Although you have the option to remain as a free member after the trial, the real value of this program is in the Premium Membership.

Note that after the 7 day trial period, you will still get access to the platform and the Level 1 courses, which also includes the Bootcamp training. You can also still read everything that’s going on in the live chat and the community.

What you will lose however, is the communication and the support from the other members, as well as your “free” siterubix websites as they will eventually be phased out.

The first month after the free 7 day trial once you decide to become a Premium Member, is at a reduced price of $19. Then after the initial 30 days, the price becomes $49 per month.

What the $49 per month gives you, is access to the entire training program, access to the community and the live chat, access to the affiliate programs search software, access to the hosting with 50 WordPress websites, and access to the live training.

Wealthy Affiliate Premium Membership Options

Once you become a Premium member and realize the amazing potential that the WA community offers, and the potential of you starting your own home based business and earning money as an affiliate marketer, there are several membership options:

? $19 for the first month (if you decide to join WA in the first 7 days of becoming a free starter member)

? then it’s $49 per month

? or there’s an option of $234 half yearly (6 months) which equates to $39/month

? or $359 yearly, which equates to $29.92/month (less than a dollar a day!)

The WA Affiliate Program

What Wealthy Affiliate also has is a recurring affiliate program, where you can earn 50% or $24.50, for every person that you refer to the Wealthy Affiliate program. Your commissions are paid every month, for as long as that member you referred, remains a member. So the idea, is to sign up 2 new referrals to the affiliate program as soon as you can, then your $49 monthly fee will be covered.

CLICK Here To Get Started On Your Free Trial