Get Better Blog Traffic By Choosing Quality Over Quantity

Friday, October 18th, 2024
We face this on a daily basis in our everyday lives, this at home and in business. And that?s the debate whether to choose “quality” over “quantity.” To go cheap and common or go exclusive and expensive.

This particularly transfers over to affiliate marketing, when specifically attempting to generate better website conversions.

What was once thought, was get as much traffic as possible, get massive “eyeballs” to ogle your blog to view your product or service, the more the merrier as it’s just a numbers game.

The belief was quantity, get hoards of random traffic, as quality didn’t matter as much, this to generate more online business.

Quality Always Wins

The reality however, this especially if you sell a specialized product, is you want your traffic to be as targeted as possible.

Sending large uneducated numbers of visitors to your site, won?t influence them to purchase your product any further, especially if they have no interest or if they need to buy something.

When it comes to traffic, the throw “stuff” against the wall theory, and see what sticks doesn?t always work.

Instead, create a specialized sales funnel, as that?s what influences and pushes your targeted reader who are considering to buy your product or service.

Just focusing on getting quality traffic however, is just the start.

Going Beyond The Numbers Game

Most however continue to think it?s mass quantity of traffic is what they need, large amounts of surfers to visit their blog. Then they hope to snag a few of them somehow.

This appears logical if it’s a generic mainstream item, that if anyone is somewhat interested at all, some might eventually turn into customers.

The operative word being ?might.?

It no longer appears to be that simple, as the consumer is continuously becoming more sophisticated and evolving.

Sending thousands of cheap traffic to a blog, or traffic somehow accidentally arrives at your site by mistake, can play havoc on your analytics and punish your webhost server.

This because most of these visitors, had no real intention of landing on your page.

So what they do is click away as soon as possible, increasing your “bounce” rate, as they don’t even bother to see what you offer, while leaving an impression as a visitor to your site.

Others may just be browsing for information with no intent on buying, or not sure what you?re offering, or not interested whatsoever.

Since they were just browsing, they quickly leave as well.

The point being, that the majority of the visitors who lands on your page is by accident.

They?re either somehow directed there unfocused, or happened to stumble upon it. All they?re doing is distorting your blog metrics, as they have no intent whatsoever in buying.

Focus On Visitors That’s Ready To Buy

What every blog owner wants are streams of motivated customers, with credit card in hand, willing, ready, and wanting to buy, this rather than those who are just digital window shopping.

What any successful online marketer wants, is getting this type of targeted quality buyer traffic in high volume.

Most often, it doesn?t matter if it?s just a handful of visitors that reaches their site, as long as they?re motivated to buy.

Doing so can mean more revenue, with less money spent on ads or content marketing, while the conversion data becomes more accurate.

The way to achieve this, getting higher quality leads that converts, is the dilemma that every marketer is faced with, which is getting targeted traffic

How Ad Networks Can Control The Process

What certain advertising networks are now capable of doing, is delivering this precise traffic to your site, the exact buyers that are looking to buy your goods.

There are also CPA networks who acts as a buffer.

They are the go between, they are the middleman who protects authority websites who sells products, by filtering out poor performing affiliates who sends bad traffic, which distorts the analytics.

They?re extremely selective when it comes to choosing who to sponsor, or which affiliates join their networks.

A cost-per-action network that uses an affiliate marketing platform, fraudulent or untargeted traffic can then be eliminated by their strict “quality” filtering.

Precisely Tracking Traffic

You can find better qualified quality targeted traffic, by researching and segmenting your visitors by source type, such as organic search, referrals or paid ads, etc.

You can qualify the types of campaigns you?ve developed and managed, by precise visitor tracking.

You can then determine how each website visitor uses and responds to your blog, this by tracking all their web movements and actions.

This can include which pages they view first, their click paths, and which prompts got them to buy your product.

There are now a variety of online tools available, that allows you to do this type of research analysis.

Make Your Site More Appealing

You can then make scientific changes to your blog, by creating a better sales flow.

One way is by creating quality content, stories that truly hooks and engages the readers, this by optimizing the content and campaign messaging.

You can use keyword precision tools such as Google Adwords, and work backwards to find the exact keywords that your visitors used to reach your website product.

Then use the same keywords, to attract motivated traffic that?s ready to buy.

Know Where The Traffic Is Coming From

You need to know the latest trends, such as where the majority of the traffic is originating from, this so you can redirect this quality traffic from these channels to your site.

It?s known that social media platforms, are an increasingly reliable source of targeted traffic.

Organic search also continues to remain a healthy driver, this through the major search engines.

Paid ads are another option, provided you have the budget to find a suitable advertising network, such as pop ups, PPV, redirects, etc.

Paying to find the exact advertising method that works best for you however, can quickly exhaust your budget.

Always Choose Quality

Be proactive when searching for that quality traffic.

The key is you can begin to drive better results to your blog, by generating better relevant content.

Then take action across all mediums such as article directories, videos and whitepapers, while sharing content on social media for a wider reach.

You need to be constantly evaluating every detail of your blog, this by tracking, testing, and tweaking everyday, this to make sure that the visitors are as targeted as possible.

Always respond to feedback and comments, which converts you to becoming a trusted authority in your industry.

The application of these combined factors, should generate high quality targeted traffic, which results in more profit.

CLICK Here For My No#1 Affiliate Marketing Recommendation

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