Reasons Why We Are Never Taught How To Make Money

Thursday, October 17th, 2024
One big omission in life when young is that we’re never really taught how to earn money. We’re not instructed of the nuances about the acquisition of money and preserving wealth.

It appears that our educational system or our parents, will teach us about its theory, but never how to earn it. Perhaps they have no clue themselves.

School, the burden that’s placed to educate us has a certain protocol set in place, of teaching anyone who cares to listen, learn and apply the knowledge to proactive use.

We learn all about mathematics, language and speaking skills, the sciences, social studies, history, physical education, all to prepare us for that big bad world out there.

These lessons are designed to instruct us on how we can adapt and survive, once we can apply our unique set of aptitude towards them.

Then we’re set free, and hopefully can become successful enough to earn a living. This so we can blend in well together with society, and become contributing citizens.

Even at the post secondary level, whatever discipline of study we choose to pursue based on our strengths, what we’re taught are principles rather than fact, which really doesn’t align in consonance with the real world.

How We Learn New And Exciting Things

To learn the truth, what we now surf are websites on the Internet, attend niche specific seminars and webinars and read plenty of books.

We talk to and listen to those who are more knowledgeable than us on the subjects that we want to learn. We usually learn more by making mistakes, by trial and error.

This is similar to learning how to ride a bike for the first time. We fall, get bruises, get our ego hurt, but will get back up and try again.

The message learned, is never allow making mistakes to stop you from learning something.

The greatest teacher is to learn from our mistakes, which should encourage us to hopefully learn more.

Education is just a fundamental foundation that teaches general knowledge.

Once outside of the educational system, we need to learn the human life skills ourselves, especially the ones that pertains to creating wealth. Some don’t make it.

Choosing What We Do

Our choice of endeavor, our occupation needs to be something that we love to do, have immense passion in.

Do what you love, and then expand on it, and the benefits should bring you happiness, and the money will follow.

So once you listen to your heart, follow your path, fulfill your dreams, and then use these same principles and apply it to your business, you should earn money.

Doing what you love is one thing, but becoming educated with knowledge is another. It’s imperative to know your business, it’s finicky nuances.

Today, information is considered the key to wealth.

So once you concentrate on knowing what’s going on around you, you’ll then find new opportunities to get rich from the information you know that’s relevant.

Timing is of essence. Exclusive knowledge in business is vital, and the learning needs to be a non-stop process.

Although you don’t need to be completely familiar with a particular business, what you need is to know about the business before you get started.

Information Is King

Those who have actual hands on experience on a subject, are those who you can use to gather information.

Never listen to hearsay or theories from those, who don’t have any actual experience in the industry or on the subject.

Knowledge is your biggest asset, not knowing is a liability. This is the reason why information today is the key, and where the money is.

So exchange accurate information regarding financial and business matters with those you trust, as frequently as possible. This to acquire the latest updated news and information.

This on topics you’re not completely clear or familiar with. Always be asking questions rather than pretending you know, and always be generous to share your knowledge when asked.

Opportunities are often born spontaneously during these types of discussions, where it’s beneficial to both parties.

Gathering information is time consuming but it’s time well spent.

Most often, learning can take more time than operating the business itself. Also know that timing and execution can be just as important.

The “Early Bird” Really Does Get The Worm

How much or what you know is different from how quickly you learn and act on it. The key is to take action, be a first responder.

The first, the earliest to know and act upon it usually gets the opportunity.

So if you know of an opportunity that’s not yet mainstream, that it’s not yet knowledge to the general public, then that?s good news for you.

Remain focused, keep a keen and clear mind, and just like the weather, know what the conditions are beforehand. Know exactly what you’re getting into before you take action.

The Flow Of Money People And Energy

When in business, what you need is to learn how to manage the flow of money. To have a funnel, and know the people you manage.

Know exactly where the money that you invest in is at all times, down to the penny. This way, you’ll never get strapped for cash.

Systematize the flow of your work. This will cut down on wasted time and energy, which affects your flow of money. What you’re generating as a result is additional profit.

Distributing Your Time And Money

Leave time for non-business activities as well, such as your social and family affairs.

Always give credit where credit’s due. Be gracious, while giving your time where it’s needed. Think of ways of doing more in less time, as what this leads to is more profits.

Always Be Selling

Most find it a difficult task to market or sell their products or service. It takes time, effort and patience to get clients acquainted with what it is you?re offering.

Their first reaction is to reject what ever it is your hawking. They don’t know you, they don’t trust you. There’s no relationship.

Once you have the right people to negotiate and handle all your marketing of your business, which could be you, once you surmount to this, it should eventually bring you better results.

It’s your eyes, ears, wit and savvy who are your spies to keep you updated, informed, and more knowledgeable than your competition.

So make sure you have the edge and always be a step ahead. Most importantly, have fun out there.

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