Tuesday, March 11th, 2025
What targeted long-tailed keyword content and backlinks that are pointing back to your blog does, is provides a food trail for the search engines to follow. What these links that are hopefully provided by high ranking authority sites from around the Internet and social media does, is helps the search engines qualify your blog, and assigns a “value” to it.
So the key becomes, the more targeted your keywords are, and the greater and the more authoritative that the backlinks are, means greater rankings for your site on the SERPs, resulting in more traffic.
What you ideally want, is the voluntary placement of links pointing back to your blog from others, while avoiding the obvious manufactured spammy links, to gain better search results.
So What Is A Good Backlink?
How the search engine crawlers qualifies what a good link is, appears to be that it should follow a natural pattern.
An Order Something Like…
• There’s a website or a blog that’s created on the Internet
• That website is somehow found by a few random visitors, this usually by accident
• Those who are interested in the content, who likes the site will tell others
• These visitors will prove they like it by linking back to the blog from their blog, or share it on social media, voluntarily
• The new readers who also likes the blog will then tell their followers, and soon there’s a navigational path of links from one user to another, all linking back to that original site
Those Attempting To “Game” The SERPs
Realize that every search engine spider, is brilliant and concise.
They’re also not human who has emotions or judgment, but an algorithm that’s mechanically designed to follow certain rules.
They are programmed to constantly stay ahead of those, who attempts to cheat the rankings.
For instance, an algorithm that’s programmed to know, that massive unnatural link structures don’t sudden appear overnight, or cluster around the same neighborhoods online.
Once someone begins their linking strategy, they’ll usually scatter links around the Internet randomly, or begin trading links with others (reciprocal links).
What you shouldn’t do, is flood all of the well known “locations” with your link pointing back to your blog, as that’s a warning signal for the search engine bots.
Be Careful How And Where You Link
• Off Topic Non-related Niche Links Don’t Make Sense – Limit your links from places around the web, that do not share the same interests or niches that you do, such as a dog link on a golf site
• Reciprocal Links Looks Like Trading – Do not make every one of your links reciprocal links. Don’t discount them entirely however, since there’s some weight that’s given to them, so just use them sparingly
• Have Several Linking Sources – Begin with social media sites, and use them for their intended purpose, which is informing others about your blog
• Paying For Links – Buying links from top authority sites appears contrived, and the bots know it. Your linking pattern should be from a variety of sites. Paying for a few high profile links is a good fire starter, but just don’t do it constantly
What you want to do, is use a variety of the various linking methods, such as one way, reciprocal, paid, etc?
A Strategy For Establishing Links
• Establish one-way links from quality authority sites
• Establish reciprocal links
• Submit your site to directories
• Engage in social media on topics that are specific to your niche, as well as on forums and other blogs
• Join social media sites such as Medium, Quora, Reddit, and other similar sharing platforms
Take advantage of other linking strategies, such as paid links and link networks.
The best way to build links back to your site, is by mixing up all of these different linking strategies randomly, and being consistent about it.
The Need To Create Links
Know that it’s okay to ” break” one or two of the rules that’s set out by the search engine bots, when linking. Know you can’t really do it wrong.
What that means is although the right mix of links is needed to boost your rankings, the “wrong” mix doesn’t necessarily hurt it.
If you end up with a linking strategy that’s too heavily weighted in one area, the worst that can happen is that those links will be discounted.
What they won’t do is subtract “points” from your ranking, as they’ll just become neutral.
So experiment, build up some links, and then go from there to test and tweak your efforts and results.
Which Keywords Work And Which Doesn’t
What we all ultimately want, is to select the right keywords and the proper phrases, that targets the most willing and able buyers.
We want those who are ready to buy, or are just a step or two away from buying, who are on the edge, and just needs that last little push to convert.
The best thing that you can do for yourself, is to choose the right keywords that will target those buyers who are on the cusp.
These aren’t usually the same keywords, that some of the experts or “gurus” recommend you use.
What some of these so called “experts” preaches, is that to get high rankings, use the most popular obvious keywords for SEO. Then once you do so, you’ll get massive amounts of traffic.
There are however a few issues that’s wrong with this methodology and logic.
• It’s just too hard if not impossible to break into the high rankings for the most popular one or two word keyword search terms
• Getting massive amounts of generic traffic is pretty much useless. What you want instead is targeted buyer traffic that’s ready to convert
• The majority of the searches that people make using these one or two word keywords, aren’t motivated buyers
Targeting Longtailed Buyer Keywords
What most will do, is ignore these long tailed buyer keywords, but instead target the more popular common keywords instead.
What you should be doing, is targeting those who are the most motivated to buy.
Otherwise, all you’re doing, is just simply collecting massive amounts of traffic out there, who has no interest in buying your “widget.”
This could be anyone, from kids researching school papers, to those who despises your widget. They are not actual consumers who are looking to buy.
The Buyer Keywords To Target
Secondary and long-tail keywords/phrases is what you want to use, as they are the most motivated searchers on the Internet.
Your job, is to figure out what these motivated buyers are using as their search terms, then you’ve struck gold.
This opposed to targeting everyone who’s searching for your niche.
You will need to weed out all the fluff, and just focus in on the buyer traffic that you want.
It may not be as impressive as bringing in hordes of visitors by the thousands, but who cares.
The visitors that you want to attract, are just the motivated ones with money in hand.
Isolating Long Tail Buyer Keywords
Choosing the right profitable keywords, is easier than you think.
All you need, is to know what the buyers are searching for in your niche. The pain that they want to solve.
This will vary depending on what you are selling.
As a general rule, buyers will look for information about a product first, before they begin searching for the best price on the product.
Then they’ll look for advice and the recommendation of others on the Internet, by using the search engines or social media.
They’ll look for opinions and feedback, that’s offered in specific types of content like product reviews.
For these types of searchers, what you want is to choose long tail keywords that include terms such as:
• Best product x review
• Best product x opinion
• Best product x comparison
• Review on product x
And so on…
Looking For Answers
These are the consumers who has a problem that they need to solve, and are looking for an answer.
These are the types of buyers, that you can target with tutorials and reports, that offers the solution that they’re looking for.
When doing so, what you have are a couple of options.
You can provide a tutorial and point it towards a solution by offering your product, or make it essential to fix or solve their problem.
For these people, you would want to use keywords such as:
• How to solve x
• How to do x
• Repair problem x
• Fix problem x
• Problem fix
• Cure problem x
• Clean problem x
Targeting The Right Buyer Intent Traffic
Those who needs your product and will buy from you, won’t usually waste their time making broad searches on the Internet.
They’re extremely specific and motivated, when addressing their needs and concerns with their search terms.
What you want to do, is give them exactly what they’re looking for, by using the exact long tail keyword terms that your ideal buyers are using, to attract them.
This is the keyword and SEO strategy, that you should be using for every one of your product-centered niche blogs.
By doing so on multiple blogs for similar products, you will then over time, capture a great deal of targeted traffic for your niche collectively.
That’s when you can use your “money” site to clean up.
On your money site, you can then start optimizing for the bigger, more popular singular keywords.
You can do this, because what you have is a large enough link structure established, in the secondary keyword markets to support the larger site.
Linking And Long Tail Keywords
Eventually, the roles will reverse, and it will be the “money” site, that will begin feeding the smaller sites, but the roles really don’t matter that much.
So what’s needed, is an excellent linking/backlink strategy, as well as learning how to target a buyer audience, by choosing the proper long tailed keywords.
And then enjoy the higher conversions and reader interest, while the search engines will love you.
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