How To Start And Grow Your Own Personal Blog Brand

Monday, March 10th, 2025
What becomes important is you take command of your online identity, your personal branding as soon as possible. This is the initial introduction of your online journey, so start immediately before others form an opinion of you.

Your online branding begins with a personal blog.

People on the Internet are finicky, impatient, and if they don’t see what they like, they will immediately click away from your page and may never return if you don’t captivate them.

All it takes is just a few seconds for anyone to make a first impression of you.

So it’s up to you get their attention, to make yourself look good, bad, or indifferent.

You have minimal time to show who you are, how you shine, how polished or accomplished you are.

Realize the immense power you carry when it comes to giving first impressions on your target market. Doing so proves immeasurable.

An initial positive first impression can lead to a new client, new employment, or attract that perfect relationship.

Initial First Impression

When it comes to the real world, meeting someone face-to-face, what you’ve perfected is your personal brand, by how you look, how you dress.

This includes your warm smile, the aura you project, how you carry yourself, how articulate your greeting is.

So determine how you can translate these exact attributes onto the digital world, on social media, on your blog.

Everything Is Online

Today, we’re completely consumed and influenced by technology.

The online world has now gripped us firmly into everything we do, an environment where our digital stamp, our brand is embedded forever.

Despite your efforts however, there always seems to be someone who’s doing things better than you are online.

It’s a forever moving target where there are also numerous social media sites, thus making it difficult for you to control your initial ?first impression.?

Your Blog Is Your Brand

Your site should be able to project exactly who you are, to project that valuable initial first impression of your brand on the Internet.

Your name becomes your brand. This becomes particularly important if you freelance, or you’re an entrepreneur who needs to establish a stamp.

What owning and dictating your identity from the very beginning does, is it cuts out all the incoherent reviews or the old or false information of your past.

All of the factors that could potentially affect the initial first few seconds, of setting that excellent first impression.

To generate the best results, make sure you include a short identifiable brand name for your business, or use your full name in the domain address.

List the main purpose of what you do, your niche or specialty, whether it be online marketing, social media promotion, graphic design, etc.

Plan Beforehand

Before you display your site to the world, begin by making a blueprint. Type up an outline profile on how you’d like to be viewed, what you would like to communicate.

Think and plan exactly what you want to showcase, which includes your skills, services, while also collecting reviews, feedback and testimonials.

Avoid making it look like a resume, such as chronologically listing your education, accomplishments, or previous jobs.

Doing so isn’t intriguing enough to keep anyone interested, and most will quickly click away without pursuing contact.

3 Elements Of A Personal Blog

1.) – Describe A Personal Vision/Mission Statement
What is it that you’re wanting to contribute to the online community? What’s your digital “elevator” pitch you’re wanting to tell? What are your accomplishments? Concisely boil them down to what makes you, you.

Think of it as being a newspaper subheading, a company tagline or an extrinsic mantra that’s rolled into one.

If you’re not wanting to use this as your blog tagline, then use it as an exclamation point for the critical information you’re wanting to include.

2.) – Highlight Your Best Work
If you happen to be a Web designer for instance, that could mean presenting your design portfolio by showcasing your best projects. images, etc.

Show off and utilize all of the various presentation points, so you can illustrate or make a slideshow of your best work.

Plan to include a section which has links or feeds to all of your social media networks, that you’re connected to.

The reason being, just a single individual social media site won’t capture your entire essence or audience.

Combining them into a central location on your blog becomes advantageous, and a way for your readers to view your entire information.

3.) – Make It Visually Stunning
We all see, view and judge by what our eyes tell our brains first. That’s the first impression we form.

Thus the saying… a picture tells a thousand words.

You can gain this social proof through various “visual” social media sites such as Instagram, Pinterest, or Snapchat.

We as humans are visually oriented, this especially online, as images are easier to absorb and comprehend than long boring text.

So having excellent superior visuals to back up your site, is a necessity.

Make sure you invest your time in getting the best images possible.

Doing so will capture the best true reflection of who you are, which gives an instant snapshot of what you do, what your environment and your expressions are.

How To Successfully Brand Yourself

Once the skeleton of your blog is constructed, make sure you test it by running it past a few of your most trusted yet critical confidants.

Show it to complete strangers as well, to get an unbiased honest feedback on how you come across.

This to get back valuable accurate feedback, so you can make the changes that are needed, provided the suggestions are genuine.

Never take the criticisms personally, especially if they’re harsh, as who you are and how your blog can look, are completely different entities.

Make the necessary tweaks and edits, and you should then be ready to share your brand with the online world.

Ready Set Go

Take advantage of the various social media networks to promote your site.

Begin by posting a link on all your profiles. Make your blog the main point of contact.

Send out emails to those you know, along with potential and previous clients, announcing your new blog.

Start small, keep it as simple as possible and then grow your site as your online portfolio grows.

Doing so will propel your professional career while your endeavors increase.

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