Every business, whether it’s just starting out or an established industry Goliath, the proprietors all began with a single thought form. A glimmer of hope, a single idea, a vision, which was infused with drive and passion. The biggest leaders of commerce, all began with nothing but a momentarily flash of genius. They took this […]
Tag: becoming an entrepreneur

The Need To Become Niche Specialized To Attract Abundance
You know in the back of your mind that it’s just common sense, something you have in bushels, yet you remain resistant. You can’t force yourself to face the truth, thus holding yourself hostage in the mindset of despair. You dismiss any type of embrace or help, ignore any one who willingly extends their hand […]

Psychological Triggers That Influences People To Buy
So how do you get your prospects browsing your blog to take action on what you’re marketing. It comes down to persuasion. Think of the traditional door-to-door salesman selling vacuum cleaners, life insurance, or magazine subscriptions. They know how to influence. They all knew the triggers on why people buy. They know the exact psychological […]