12 Steps To Writing Killer Sales Copy That Converts

Friday, October 18th, 2024

1. Write As If The Sales Copy Is A Conversation

The more conversational your sales copy is, the more engaged your customers become towards your message.

Nothing is worse than a boring sales letter that sounds distant, lectures, or talks down to you with industry jargon to describe the features of the product.

If your reader is not engaged emotionally, they won’t stick around long enough to even think about buying.

2. Write Your Sales Letter As If Writing To An Old Friend

There is an old copy writing trick that experienced content writers use, and that is to pretend you?re writing a letter to your grandmother.

Explain to her all of the exciting details about your new product or service.

Then replace ?Dear Grandma? with “Dear Friend? and bang ? a sales letter that anyone can relate to!

3. Tell A Compelling Captivating Story

People are naturally drawn towards and interested in stories, rather than obvious hype infested sales copy because they feel less pressure to buy.

Use this fact to your advantage, by telling a story that highlights the key benefits of your product or service.

If you need some inspiration, consider telling the story about how you came to develop the product, or profile a customer who is doing amazing things with your service.

4. Make Sure The Headline Precisely Explains The Content

Most readers will just skim the content to get a general idea of your product.

They will then decide whether what you offer is something they are interested in.

Very few actually read your copy from beginning to end as you?ve written it.

So accept this fact and make it easy for them to find out what they need to know, to read more of the copy and consider making a purchase.

Present all of the important information such as the benefits and features of your product, how you can fix their hurt, in the headline and subheadings.

If you can pique their interest while they scan your headlines, they?ll go back and read the rest of the copy.

5. Use Bullet Points Instead Of Paragraphs To List Benefits

Bulleted lists provide the reader with small, digestible tidbits of information that are easier to read than wordy paragraphs, so be as brief as possible.

Do not make each bullet point a new paragraph, otherwise don’t use bullets at all.

Instead, use them to explain your product?s strongest benefits in point form, and make them excited to learn more.

6. Never Use Periods At The End Of Bullet Points

Use a comma, semicolon or nothing at all instead of periods.

What placing a period at the end of bullet points does, is subconsciously stops the brain and eye from reading any further.

Instead, give the reader a feeling of incompleteness, so they will continue to read the remaining bulleted items and sales copy.

7. Never Try To Appeal To The Masses In One Sales Letter

The more your sales copy speaks to the wants of a specific niche prospect, the more likely they will make a purchase.

The more targeted your sales letter is, the better your results will be.

If for example you sell golf products.

It’s too difficult to write copy for both new golfers learning the game, and experienced pro’s interested in shaving a few strokes off their game.

Although each of these readers are in the same niche market, they’re attracted by different benefits.

What qualifies as the key point, the most enticing advantage to one segment such as experienced golfers, may have no effect or meaning to the novice golfer.

If you have a product that appeals to different groups, be sure you address each segment individually.

Doing so might mean a separate sales copy, but that?s a small price to pay for increased sales.

8. Include A Headline On Your Order Form Page

Never stop selling to the prospect, once they click through and reach your order page.

What the majority of content writers will do instead, is use a simple generic title such as “Order Here.”

Doing so offers nothing to the prospect, that they’re headed in the right direction, that they’ll get everything you promised in your sales copy.

Instead, use this space to confirm they are making the right decision.

Make sure you keep the prospect excited, so they follow through and enter their credit card information.

9. Include Several “P.S.” Provided It Makes Sense

If one P.S. is good, then two or more must be even better, right?

If you have more than one important thing to say at the end of your sales copy, go ahead and include more than one P.S.

For example, if you summarize your offer in the first P.S. then add a second one that reminds them about your money back guarantee.

You may even put in a third P.S. that gives a killer testimonial from a satisfied customer.

Just don’t overdo it. Make such each P.S. is well worth your prospect?s time to read it.

Never repeat the identical words you?ve already used in your copy, or it may come across as being a sales gimmick.

10. Have A Strong Opening Paragraph

So you’ve crafted a killer headline that sucks prospects to your copy like a vacuum.

But are you losing them with a weak opening paragraph?

Make sure you spend the time creating an intriguing opening paragraph that will grab your visitor?s attention and retention.

They should want to keep reading, just to find out what you?re going to state or claim next.

A good way to get started is to think about how you would begin your pitch, if you were selling your product to someone face-to-face.

Imagine you are talking to a prospect who is genuinely interested in buying, but are still far from being “sold” on your product.

What would you want them to know more about, so they will continue to read?

11. Recycle And Reuse Your Discarded Headlines

A great source of compelling bullet points is the headlines you opted not to use.

Rewrite them and use them throughout your sales copy, or as subtitles, to deliver short, hard-hitting reasons a prospect should buy.

12. Answer Your Reader?s Biggest Question Which Is… ?What?s In It For Me??

Potential buyers are only interested in one thing ? what your product or service can do for THEM and not you.

Never make them guess or read between the lines.

Punch them in the face on how you can effectively cure their hurt, pain or misery, what they can potentially lose.

Explicitly state what owning your product or service can do for them.

Do so by painting a compelling picture for them, making them want to buy your product, and they want to buy from you!

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