Reasons Why Blog Visitors Take Action And Convert

Sunday, February 16th, 2025
The entire command chain of the Internet when it comes to commerce is providing relevant content to the visitor, and nothing else. What appropriating information on your blog provides, is customer loyalty and trust.

Attracting new visitors to your site should be through established syndication’s, which also improves your rankings on the search engines.

The core objective and bottom line for any content strategy, should be to influence your targeted customer base, to the point of conversion.

The ultimate goal is you want these visitors to take some type of action, which improves your bottom line.

The content also needs to solve the subject at hand for it to be effective. What doing so creates is an inviting path for the reader.

The Need For Conversion

Conversion can mean different things to different sites, based on the objectives.

This could be clicking on a banner ad, downloading an app, or purchasing goods on display with the visitors credit card in hand.

Regardless of what format you offer, getting visitors to convert is a measurable action that’s earned, and not assumed.

Writing content that’s optimized for buyer conversions can prove to be a difficult task, but there are proven strategies.

Write Like You’re Speaking To Them

The end game for writing content is to turn, to convert the reader to take the desired action. The best way to do so, is to write as if you were looking them straight in the eye, and talking directly to them.

This provided you know how to cure what ails them, by knowing what their trigger points are.

This means writing content so your brand becomes and feels familiar, approachable, and trustworthy to them.

The key is to identify who or what your target audience is.

Most write as if they’re writing for everybody who happens to stumble upon their blog page, and hope for the best.

What the audience needs instead, is to be targeted towards a specific focused demographic group.

Never Appear As If You’re Selling Something

The key is to write content that encourages, rather than directly selling to the point of nausea.

What you’re doing is making a pitch when direct selling, this to an individual with the intent of getting them to obviously buy something.

Content optimization on the other hand, what you?re offering is a set of circumstances that informs and encourages the reader to make a buying decision.

Content that makes a direct pitch for your product or service, can quickly turn off your prospective buyers.

So instead, write informative content which allows them to decide for themselves, whether or not they want to buy from you.

Appear Like An Authority

People buy from sources they know and trust.

Since the reader is constantly bombarded with mass information on the Internet, building trust and rapport is becoming an increasingly difficult thing to do.

One way to build trust is to project yourself as an authority in the field, by introducing groundbreaking ideas, by becoming a thought leader.

Once people sense that you’re an expert in the niche, they?ll feel more confident buying from you.

To establish this authority, you need to carefully select topics which slices into your target markets psyche, and then provide information in explicit detail.

Use The Authority Of Others

Most find asserting their own expertise and authority, can be limited.

So to increase this perceived knowledge, you need to “borrow” knowledge from others who are in the know.

Begin by “quoting” the most recognizable leaders in your industry, and then curate them into the context of your blog.

What this displays is that you understand your niche, while associating your brand with their name.

Once you cite facts from prominent sources which are trustworthy, what you’re doing is boosting your own authority through the established reputation of others.

If you can include a testimonial from an authority in the niche somehow, the better.

Force Them To Become Emotional

Readers will always convert better, once you’re able to inject an emotional undertone into your content.

The amount or type of emotion will depend on the subject matter and your brand.

Using fear or sympathy are known drivers that are effective, as is using excitement which can turn into a quick conversion.

Express, imply, or project vulnerability to pave the path for them to buy.

Make sure these emotional “appeals” you make, aren’t overly aggressive, obnoxious or obvious.

Using Strong Action Buyer Keywords

Make sure you use strong action keywords when leading the reader to your Call-To-Action.

This will encourage and increase the likelihood of they deciding to make the commitment to take action.

Traditional phrases such as “Act Now” or ?Click Here? usually doesn’t work that well any longer, in this modern era of the Internet.

What appears more effective are phrases like ?Get Started? or ?Read More.?

Using too much passive language however, can also excuse your readers to skip right past your “call-to-action,” which leaves your conversion rates suffering as a result.

Less Distractions The Better

The end game is to get your users to voluntarily convert, to make the reader believe it was their decision to take action.

So once you introduce your plead to buy, make sure you don’t distract them with other options, so they could wander away or get buyers remorse.

If you end your article leading the reader to fill in an email opt-in form for instance, never offer links to other areas of your site or worse, include lead-ins to external sites such as a banner ad.

What including too many options does is causes a distraction which can disorient your reader, or lead them elsewhere instead of the rabbit hole you’re wanting them to fall into.

Reduce Bounce Rate By Interlinking

What decreasing your bounce rate does is keeps more visitors on your site for longer, which should also increase your conversion rates.

One way of keeping your bounce rate low is by precisely interlinking your pages.

This includes the links in the body of your article to your other content, categories, or sections of your blog, keeping them engaged for longer.

It’s always better to funnel them towards a conversion, this instead of leading them to another page.

Regardless, interlinking your pages has proven to hold your readers while increasing revenue.

Always Be Testing

The most important element when it comes conversion optimization is tracking, analyzing, and making adjustments.

Test out your strategy and then measure the results, make tweaks, implement, and test again.

Gradually make the changes that work, and discontinue the ones that don’t.

Through this process of analyzing and revising, is how you’ll be able to narrow down what converts the best.

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