Self Motivation Is The Key To Start Your Online Business

Tuesday, October 22nd, 2024
Never think you’re useless, at times lazy, and are becoming a burden to your family and society. Never think you’re getting tired of this thing called living, that you’re aloof and there’s a pointless stagnant neutral drift about your life.

What you know best is yourself, and those closest to you suspect you can become a brilliant achiever with a bit of effort.

Motivation however is the key burden with you, and the driving force why you lack success.

What you need is that proverbial swift kick in the backside, that can provide the much needed life altering change.

Do What You Want

It begins with you knowing exactly what you want to do, as it’s “you you know” and not “who you know.” So take those small baby steps, and have the drive and hunger to do it.

Develop that insatiable hunger of standing up for yourself, being a big human about it, battling all the ghosts of your past and the demons in your future.

You need to develop that burning desire where you believe anything you want to do, you can, and you’ll accomplish it.

You need to keep in concert with your ultimate life plan, and place your dreams firmly on track while the magic of motivation propels you forward.

You need to hang in there and keep focus, once the going gets tough and you know things always invariably does.

There are ways, proven methods, how you can activate and keep this momentum, sustain this motivation, to get you on the right track and finally get there.

Develop Picture Boards With Images Of Goals

Begin developing a picture board on your wall and start filling them with images of what your desired goals are, whatever they may be. Start small and gradually expand.

The most obvious “big” picture ones are usually that brand new car you’re wanting to own, or that house or condo in the neighborhood you want to live in.

Other images could be photos of the holiday destinations you’re wanting to visit next.

Be as concise, refined and detailed as possible.

List the fine restaurants you want to dine at, down to the exact occasion when you want to frequent them.

List anything within reason which is attainable, whatever it is that gets you excited and your motivation boiling.

Get A Little “Mad” Upset On Occasion

This means getting angry with yourself and not towards others.

If you’re wanting to improve your life for the better, get a little mad, get angry, vent, become upset at your current stagnant life.

Having a blas’ piss-poor attitude towards change isn’t what you want or need, as it won’t develop into a strong desire within you.

So you need to tell yourself, ‘I want to get better, I need to change.’

Get Rid Of The Mundane

It could be because you’re sick and tired of always being broke, being in debt, and mommy has to come and bail you out.

You need to vehemently hate your current low paying job with no opportunity for advancement, that’s taking you no where fast.

Is your life stagnant, sliding sideways and going into decline. Is it dull boring and predictable.

You’re becoming completely brain dead because of all the uninspired and unhappy people who you’re currently associating with.

Decide to get the heck out of your current situation, get angry and do something about it.

Begin by writing things down on what make’s you mad, what you’re unhappy with, all of the miserable unrewarding or frustrating things that makes your daily life dull.

Then do something about it.

Manage Your Time Better

Begin to appreciate how valuable your time is and how valuable time in general is.

Time is the premium resource which you have that’s non-renewable. Once it’s gone it’s gone forever.

You can either take advantage of it or continue to squander it away.

If you’re wanting to create change, get better, you’re going to need to invest the proper time to make it happen.

Begin by reducing the mundane time which you’re wasting on pure irrelevance.

Surfing the Internet aimlessly, watching too much TV, your weekends dedicated to shopping or drinking too much beer while watching sports.

These activities just won’t help you to get any closer to what you want to do, while your precious time and stagnant life is slipping away from you.

Realize that time is your most valuable ally in life, so invest more wisely in yourself.

Believe that time is finite, limited, realize your life is on a egg timer. Visualize the sand on the timer slipping through.

You don’t really know how much time you have left, no one ever does.

So it comes down to how you manage your time that’s important, so make sure you make it count, starting right now.

Procrastination And Conformity

Are you part of the “mindless” herd who’s way too timid and scared to pursue your life dreams, instead of stamping your mark.

Do you just want to follow what everyone else is doing, conform, allowing your life to evaporate.

If you follow the same exact footsteps of where everyone else is going, you will end up in the same exact spot where everyone else is.

How close does this describe you.

Are you scared, too frightened to be a bit different from the crowd, this because others may question why you’re following a different path, your own path.

So you dutifully follow along with the other human sheep since if they’re doing it, then it must be right.

Realize if you’re doing what everyone else is doing, then you’ll just get the same result as what everyone else is getting.

Or would you rather become a leader, a warrior among others who will battle and fight for their own space, to possess the courage to become unique.

If you feel you have what it takes and you decide to do what you want to do, then follow that path and make your dreams happen.

Feel The Fear Then Crush It

Fear is that invisible deadly force that halts humans in its tracks. It’s that virtual forever moving “stop sign” that is keeping you from success.

Fear is what stops you dead in your thoughts, robbing you from your dreams.

Realize that fear only exists if you allow it to.

Are you going to allow this cruel destructive force to trample you down, and rob you from your potential.

Are you going to allow it to get in the way of what you want, steal your ambition, your dreams and your happiness while crushing your spirit.

Don’t Live A Life Of Disappointment

Imagine the following terrifying thought you may have that will haunt you in your final days, when you’re lying on your death bed.

What you don’t want to think is: ‘I just didn’t do all of the things I wanted to, because I was too scared to live.’

By then, it will be too late to do anything about it, to conquer that fear, as you experience disappointment.

Refuse to allow fear to rule and spoil your life.

Decide to overcome it by starting to take positive action steps right now, before it becomes too late.

The entire world, your friends and family are anxiously waiting for you, counting on you to reveal and activate your unique gifts, to live the genius you were born with.

So why keep yourself and everyone else waiting any longer.

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