So how do you get your prospects browsing your blog to take action on what you’re marketing. It comes down to persuasion. Think of the traditional door-to-door salesman selling vacuum cleaners, life insurance, or magazine subscriptions. They know how to influence. They all knew the triggers on why people buy. They know the exact psychological […]
Tag: blogging for beginners

How To Start An Affiliate Marketing Blog On WordPress
One of the easiest ways to make money, when starting an online work at home business is to become an affiliate marketer. Affiliate marketing appeals to beginners, as it’s an extremely easy business model to get started in. The only management that’s needed is maintaining your website, writing content and promoting it. There’s no need […]

12 Reasons To Use WordPress As Your Blog
The WordPress platform and software itself is free as it is open source. So there’s no need to spend money to buy WordPress itself. All you need is to spend a bit of capital to purchase a custom domain name, and a web hosting plan to house the domain. What you also need, is the […]

Ways To Build A Better WordPress Blog To Get More Traffic
The majority of the blogs out there on the Internet, including some Affiliate Marketing blogs are not user friendly enough. They should act as a filter to an existing company, business or a product. What blogs do is they add a human element. They add a social component to the online concern, one that adds […]

Reasons Why You Can’t Get Traffic To Your Blog And Make Sales
Are you getting frustrated because you started blogging to earn money, but are not seeing the results that you hoped for? Do you feel that you?re spinning out of control, not knowing what to write about, work on, and when? You’re wondering how you can possibly do everything at once, this to get traffic, and […]