Wednesday, March 12th, 2025
Once you publish content on your blog, is when the real work begins. The reason being is that what usually happens is it will get lost in the jungle of millions of other pieces of content, that was posted that day. So to accelerate the process of getting ranked by the search engines to get targeted traffic, what you need is to utilize social media.
What you?re probably wondering is, “Why do I need social media in the first place, when I have a good content marketing strategy?” that should drive droves of traffic to my blog.
The reason, is because social media is the best method to help amplify your content on a peer-to-peer basis, to fill the gap between you and your ideal customer, by putting yourself out there.
This is where the rubber meets the road, it’s the ultimate sink or swim moment. This to test if your content is good enough or not.
Realize that if you’re waiting for organic traffic from the search engines to find your blog by just publishing your content, then you could be waiting for a while.
With social media, what you’re doing is accelerating the process of getting the word out about your brand, your blog and your business.
How you do so is by persistent hard work and effort, by submitting elbow grease, digging down deep in the trenches.
To Become Social
Imagine if your content gets shared by thousands of people, voluntarily! That would be the holy grail for your business, this through the various channels of social media.
There are a variety of strategies that you can use, depending on the social platform that you’re using, as they all have their own nuances.
The main idea, is that you can be as proactive as you want, to reach out to your targeted audience.
Take A Look At Me Now
Social media allows you to tell your people that you exist, and that you can address their various pain points. If you’re good enough, they will listen, so this is the ultimate acid test.
You can quickly build a following or a fan base to your blog and brand, especially if you do your targeting correctly, by placing the right content in front of them.
Having a solid social media presence and being consistent about it, does is helps increase your trustworthiness.
You can use it as a customer service platform, so everyone can see how you conduct your business, this by putting your best foot forward.
Perhaps the best reason why social media is the perfect tool to complement your content marketing strategy, is that it sends social signals, social proof to Google that others like you.
The more positive signals that you give off, the better it will be for your site?s SEO ranking.
You can also build valuable backlinks to your blog from these various social platforms, which also helps your ranking in the SERPS.
There are a myriad of social media sites that you can use, many being free, so the question becomes which ones should you target?
Social Media Sites To Use
For starters, you should investigate and focus on where your target audience hangs out. Where your content meets their demand.
This usually means the biggest platforms online such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, Pinterest, Reddit, Quora, Medium, and SlideShare.
Of course, if you?re a solopreneur, you won’t have the time to manage all these platforms properly, so pick the most relevant ones first.
When choosing the right social platform for your niche and brand, what you need is to recall your content marketing goals.
Make sure that your chosen platforms and your content goals are closely aligned, so you?re essentially working towards one focus.
You want to make the best use of your time, so planning the cohesiveness of your social marketing strategy becomes mandatory.
Project Familiarity On Your Brand And Blog
What this means is that you should avoid using unrelated images, graphics, obscure content on your social profiles, or use a different name for each platform.
If you do so, then people may get confused, and they?re going to ask themselves if you?re a real brand, or another impostor.
To make sure that everyone recognizes you wherever they go, remain consistent when spreading your brand name, your logo, your personal photo, and your company colors.
Research how you can take advantage, on how you can get the most from each social platform, and use that information to fuel your growth.
Get Your Name Out There
Initially, when you create all these new social media accounts, no one will know who you are, or that you even exist.
But eventually they will, once you start populating them with your content, as you gain traction. This is where the labor begins, as you need to be consistent on a daily basis.
The Need To Repurpose Content
What’s mandatory, is that you need to “repurpose” the content that you?ve previously written on your blog, to conform to the various social platforms.
If you?re wondering why repurposing needs to be done at this point, is because you want to have both your blog and your social media content, launched and synced simultaneously.
You also want to streamline all of your tasks, so it doesn’t get too confusing or overwhelming.
3 Reasons To Repurpose Your Content
1. ) – You’ll Get More Mileage From Your Content
What you’ll usually do is spend most of time researching your content. To maximize what you’ve created, you want to repurpose it into other formats.
It?s like hitting two birds with one stone, by repurposing. Since you?ve already done the grunt work of writing the content, there?s no need for you to do more research, unless you want to.
All you simply need to do, is just pick the most important points of your original content, and then repurpose it.
2. ) – Build Up Your Credibility
Once you’ve published plenty of content on your blog, along with populating your social media accounts, then you’re on the road to becoming a credible authority.
Just make sure however, that what you publish is always high-quality relevant content. Otherwise, repurposing it, if it’s poor quality, can at times backfire.
Know that quality of content will always trump quantity. So, when you?re repurposing the content, you should remain mindful of its overall quality first.
• Will your audience be able to learn something new from your repurposed content?
• Would the readers find your content valuable enough to click through to your blog?
Keeping your audience in mind, should always be at the forefront and center of any of your content creation activities.
3. ) – Provides Numerous Backlink Opportunities
Since most of the links from the social media sites are going to be no follow, they aren’t going to pass on any SEO juice back to your website.
But what you will still attract, is plenty of targeted web traffic coming from these social media sites to your blog, by they clicking on your link.
That is also a great sign in Google?s eyes, as it means that your content is popular and adored by plenty of people, enough for them to click, “like” or “share” it.
Once you?ve got your content published on these social platforms, you’re also exponentially increasing the likelihood that someone?s going to link to you from their blog, or from their articles.
This will not happen overnight as it’s a constant work in progress, but it becomes highly probable that it will over time, with increased exposure.
And once that happens, your content may eventually find itself on the first page of Google’s search results!
Popular Formats To Repurpose Your Content
What you have at your disposal, is literally a handful of different ways and formats, that you can use to convert your existing content to.
Begin by creating content, that will fit into the social media platform?s particular content requirements.
With that said, here are some popular formats, that you’ll want to repurpose your content into.
? Make Viral Videos
Converting your content into video, might sound like a pretty complicated process, and scary for some.
You?re probably thinking, you need to buy some expensive camera equipment, then go in front of the camera, and mumble yourself through you contents major points.
If you’re wanting do it this way, then by all means do so.
The good news is however, that converting your blog posts into a video, has now become “drag-and-drop” easy, with free tools such as Lumen5 (
All you need is to provide the link of your content, and Lumen5 will retrieve it, and create your storyboard automatically, which you can edit at anytime.
• Social Media Graphics
What’s known for certain on the Internet, and especially on social media, is that everyone has a short attention span.
There are literally thousands of images and videos that will flash before them on a daily basis, from a variety of usally more interesting and important people and sites than you.
So to make your content stand out, what you need is to make it as visually appealing as possible.
Thankfully, there are plenty of apps that you can use to make this happen.
One of the best is Canva ( Signing up for an account is fast, easy, and free.
Once you?re logged in, just simply choose the layout format that you want to use, as there are different ones tailored for Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, etc.
Upload your own photo(s), or choose from the various free photo repositories, or from their library of stock images, some which has a small fee.
You can then add filters and text, such as putting your brand name or website URL as a watermark, and then start sharing your new graphics on social media!
With a tool like Canva, you can easily create several visually appealing social media graphics in no time.
• Create Your Own Podcast
Podcasts are now becoming trendy, and as popular as ever. A podcast is a digital audio file that you create and make available on the Internet, that anyone can download.
They’re easy to consume, as you’re audience doesn’t need to be tied down to their computer at home, to listen to them.
All they need, is to just stream or download the episodes on their smartphone or tablet, and then listen to them whenever and wherever they are.
For podcasting, all you need is a good background noise canceling microphone, and preferably a quiet environment to work in.
For best results, what you want is to reduce all of the unnecessary background noise as possible.
To convert your blog posts into a podcast, you can either read your content out loud, or you can create a script based on your content.
You can use free software such as Audacity ( to record and edit your audio tracks.
For your podcast to become popular, you need to inject exciting engaging information with enthusiasm.
It’s important for you to sound vibrant, to draw your audience in and keep them entertained.
Always try adding an intro jingle to get your listeners hyped up for your show, as well as an outro to properly close the episode out.
• Creating Informative Infographics
Infographics that are done correctly, can attract a significant number of high quality backlinks from a variety of established social media platforms.
There are some big brands, that are known to pay hundreds of dollars, for a professional graphic designer to create infographics for them!
That investment pays off in the long run for them, such as increased rankings on Google’s search results pages.
Thankfully, you can easily create your own by using Canva or a similar tool. You can even use PowerPoint, to make visually appealing infographics.
When creating your infographic, keep in mind that the reason why people love them, is because it allows them to visually consume the content in just a few seconds.
So instead of they reading a 1,000-word article, they can just simply look at the infographic and process the information in moments!
The best ones completely explain the information of the content that you?re presenting, so make sure that the graphics are relevant to the subject at hand.
• Write An eBook
EBooks work great as lead magnets or giveaways, in exchange for your visitors email address.
What you want, is to provide incredible value in your eBook, so people will be compelled to sign up to your list, so they can download it.
The title needs to be as captivating as possible, making the visitor feel like they?re going to miss out on something, if they don?t download a copy of your free valuable eBook right now!
You can use Canva, to design your eBook cover, or you can outsource it.
The design should resonate with your brand, by communicating visually with your target audience.
• Create A Presentation File
You can use a PowerPoint template, as a base to create your repurposed presentation file.
All you need, is to gather the most important points of your content, and then put it into PowerPoint format.
Avoid using blocks of text in the slides, as all that’s needed is a short description of your main point, while being as visually appealing as possible.
Don?t forget to include your watermark (your logo and website URL), so that when you upload the file to sites like, people will know where it came from.
Be Consistent When Posting On Social Media
Over the next weeks and months, continue to publish your content on all of the social media platforms on a regular basis, all while engaging with your followers.
Never think of these followers as just numbers on your website analytics program, but think of them as genuine people who are interested in you and your blog.
What you?re doing is trying to build a community around your brand, so try not to think about how much time you?re putting into your social media channels, with initially no results.
Just focus on helping people, and then sooner or later, they?re going to “help” you back, by signing up or buying your products and services!
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