Monday, February 10th, 2025
One of the most receptive ways to write content to get more traffic to your blog for affiliate marketers, is by writing a “Top 10,” or a “Best of” type of post. Regardless of the topic, everyone enjoys reading them, since they?re concise and to the point. They know exactly what the information involves.
So decide to write a list type of blog post of “The 10 Most Beautiful Actresses” or the “10 Best Web Hosts,” or “The Top 10 Dog Breeds” etc.
Write a “Top 10 Reasons…” post describing the benefits of a new product in the form of a review.
This type of post is a proven format, especially for popular topical trendy content which has the potential go viral.
The reason why they generate readership, is because the visitor can quickly skim and just read whatever section or points they?re interested in.
Complicated or technical issues can easily be broken down, to make the subject more consumable to understand.
Advantages Of “List” Blog Posts
• List article blog posts are extremely versatile and flexible, regardless of what the topic of your niche is
• The lists can be short, long, have plenty of images, videos, or just text
• You can use them to accurately inform, entertain, or educate your readers
So because of this, there are a growing number of content publishers, businesses, marketers and bloggers who are exclusively creating ?Top 10? or ?The Best Of? posts.
There are a variety of ways to create them, and based on the level and topic of interest, most should get high click rates. There are steps to follow however, to make your post be shared and be in demand.
Start With A Great Headline
Once you?ve decided on the topic, what you need is an emotion sucking descriptive yet capsulized headline which grabs the readers gonads.
If your headline fails to describe the content precisely, then your entire list fails, this regardless of how great it may be. So a strong award winning click worthy headline becomes vital.
Writing gag reflex headlines which glues eyeballs to screen are extremely challenging however.
The best headlines are optimized for keyword search, yet appealing enough for social media, while still making sense.
A great list can attract valuable links along with viral sharing, which is capsulized by the daring descriptive headline.
The subheadings, although they’re not as critical, should quickly and precisely tell what the reader is getting into, what topic they should be expecting.
Choosing The Right Subject
The biggest struggle becomes coming up with the perfect topical trendy subject for your list post, which will stand out among others.
For instance, some of the most successful ones begin with:
• The Top 10 Ways To…
• Top 10 Tools For… or
• 10 Ways To Solve?
The best type of content instantly answers or solves a question or an issue, where you offer a chronological concise solution.
So first determine what the types of questions or queries that your customers or readers are asking or wondering about, and then begin from there.
Make sure you keep the tone of the posts light if needed, be on trend and easy to read, which describes and deciphers the subject at hand.
With a Top 10 list post, you can usually inject bits of humor such as quirky images, since at times, most aren?t usually looking for a serious detailed article.
They?re usually just looking for a quick easy solution, to their pain.
Organizing Your List
You don?t need to write down steps in sequential order from 1 to 10, which needs to be described and learned in order.
What you have is the freedom of deciding which points of interest goes first, mid, and last.
One trick is to place your strongest or your most daring points last, while starting with your most weakest point.
So write a post from 10 to 1, the number 1 point being your most important point.
What listing your points does is forces your readers to stay on your blog longer, which increases “average session duration rates,” while lowering the “bounce rate,” which Google likes.
What you want is to catch their attention, peak their interest, and keep them glued on your page for as long as possible, as they read from 10 to 1.
Also avoid creating a sub-list that?s built into the original list, especially if they?re numbered.
The reason being, what’s proven is your readers could easily get confused by thinking, ?Why am I reading number 4 again??
Doing so can also make your post appear unorganized.
Proper Formatting
Make sure you make your subheadings relevant, while different from the previous point, which encourages reading further.
The sub-headline should have its own line and in bold format. The font should be slightly larger than the body of the article.
This gives more emphasis on your points, while guiding the reader through the sections and what they?re only interested in.
The List Is Your Article
What you need is to begin your list immediately right after your headline and the introductory opening paragraph, making it the highlight of your content.
Avoid burying your list under a long winded introduction, as the reader may not stick around.
Try to keep the opening short, so the visitor begins reading the list immediately. Make it the main focus of the article.
Realize that everyone online has a short attention span, so you need to capture and grasp them immediately.
The Use Of Images
To quickly engage your reader, what?s recommended is using images or a video or two, as they?re the easiest to comprehend.
The most successful ?list? posts, will use large engaging relevant photos followed by a few short sentences, which concisely explains the image and topic.
Make sure the image spans the entire width of the post.
Your images should by directly tied in tight with the topic, even if it?s a metaphor.
Avoid using random images, which doesn?t or won?t illustrate the subject or theme of your list.
Be Consistent And Opinionated
The more consistent you are, the easier the posts are to follow. So keeping it flowing becomes a necessity.
This will also make it easier for your readers to know exactly what to expect.
Every successful Top 10 list should offer an opinion, since everyone seems to have one.
The list should create a bit of controversy which should provide conversation in your comments, especially once the readers begin disagreeing with the rankings, or if the topic hits a nerve.
Make Sure You Edit
Once you?re finished with the ?Top 10? post, make sure you edit for grammar and spelling mistakes.
Check to make sure that there are no factual errors, and make sure that the post adheres to the style or theme guidelines.
If you don?t have an editor, ask someone to reread and review your post before publishing the content live.
What just one mistake can do is hurt your reputation, and can be an immediate turnoff for your readers or buying customers.
Creating The ?List? Post
Compiling lists are usually easier than writing a long winded article, while being a lot more easier to comprehend for the reader.
The list becomes your article. Just make sure that you have a great topic which is relevant and concerning, and then the clicks, sharing and sales will come.
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