How To Be Concise And To The Point When Writing Content

Sunday, October 20th, 2024
What many will contradict is what qualifies as good writing. Whether you’re reading a full fledged book, an article in a magazine, or a blog post. Good writing needs to be essential. It needs to captivate the reader with an emotion or an idea. Unfortunately, there’s plenty work to do for many. This especially on social media and on blogs, as it remains a work in progress.

There are several qualities that those who produces prime prose recommends, this if you’re attempting to create content where the readers will gravitate towards you, as you lock in their interest.

Begin by establishing the main point of your topic, the objective that you’re attempting to project. What’s the prime salient point that you’re wanting the reader to leave with.

Write about that first, and state it as clearly and concisely as possible. Describe why it matters.

Short Concise And To The Point

First visualize what you’re attempting to write about.

Write the big picture on paper, and then it becomes much easier for you to fill in the blanks. Decide how to write something that people will want to read.

Every newspaper article, will provide the most important information first. It will answer the question of ‘What the heck happened’? Then the details come later.

What every newspaper writer knows, is that most readers rarely read to the end of the article. So what they will do, is load the important information at the beginning.

The classic: who, what, where, when, and why.

Just Give The Goods

Do you have new revealing facts to share, what’s the basis of your information. Is it some unique statistics or never seen before images, or sharing ideas you’ve generated from experts.

Make it initially clear, that you’ve got something of substance why your readers should stick around and read it.

Researching information, is more time consuming than the writing process itself, but it’s necessary because it separates validity from fraud.

What’s Your Point Of View

Choosing a topic is difficult, deciding what your audience wants or needs to know. What are the types of issues that they’re dealing with, and how can you help solve them.

Choosing an angle to what really matters, or is of interest within your topic becomes a task. Choose stories where what happens is unexpected, surprising, and illuminating.

Most by now know all the latest stories, most have seen countless TV programs and movies to the point of saturation. Most have read thousands of articles and numerous books.

We know the narrative path that most of these stories take, making the same old story boring. So attempt a different point of view, figure out what’s trendy or controversial.

Get Rid Of Excessive Words

When editing, attempt to rid of as many extra words in the sentences as possible. Cut out words, where the meaning of the sentence remains the same. If that word is extraneous, then chop it.

Most leave in extra words as filler, to pump up their word count. Most think that adding more words adds substance.

Imagine if every article was restricted to a tweet of 280 characters. Concise yourself down to that policy.

Go lean, mean, and absolute.

Get rid of the ‘Well, I guess that I’ll think about telling you about…’ This faux casual tone that most writers use, where they insert ‘I,’ don’t do it. No one really cares who you are, so cut it out.

Be Correct

There are rules of punctuation, and why proper grammar exists for a reason. If you’re wanting your reader to respect what you have to say, then you’ll need to use them correctly.

Read the content of your blog post over several times. If you have difficulty catching the errors in your writing, then read it out loud. Better yet, get someone else to read it before you publish it.

Be Specific

Most will ramble on, use vague terms, making their point difficult to understand.

For instance, ‘Now the thing about my buddy Joe over there is that he is clumsy in general especially at this time and that everyone can tell once they see him this morning right after breakfast because there’s an orange stain on his shirt.’

Be more specific. ‘Joe spilled orange juice on his white T-shirt this morning.’

Writing For Each Particular Medium

What twitter requires is you be extremely short sweet and to the point. What statistics show, is that the best tweets are under 200 characters in length.

Tweets are extremely concise and news friendly, like blurting out a headline works well. Don’t forget to add a trending hashtag as well.

What’s recommended on Facebook, if at all possible, is never write more than 400 characters, or approximately five lines including spaces.

Write in a tone that’s casual and friendly. Insert images and not just use text or link posts. Use proper formatting, such as paragraphs and spacing.

LinkedIn is your professional grade of social media. So write trending news briefs or exclusive information based content. Think how you would sell the article, if you’re writing to a CEO.

It’s found that hashtags rule Instagram. So what’s recommended is using as many as 10 hashtags per every Instagram post. Don’t worry about the text you write, as what’s more important are the hashtags you use.

What To Write About

Everyone enjoys a bit of humor. Be edgy but don’t insult. Never pick on politics, religion or races. What everyone loves however, is a good joke that’s mutually funny.

What most want to read about is what’s trending, what’s happening right now. The newest latest greatest information. The best solution to their problems.

To Be Read Well

What studies found when researching which articles are read most often online, revealed that they were news articles, about the latest current events.

What everyone wants is a version of the Internet where everything that’s read is interesting, informative, and written to perfection. At very least, they’re searching for truth in the Internet.

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