What’s known to get more love from the search engines such as Google, are backlinks pointing back to your site. A backlink is when another site, the more “authoritative” the better, links back to your site or blog. These backlinks are considered as “votes” of credibility for a specific post on a site. A website […]

8 Ways To Write Provocative Blog Content People Will Read
We are told content is king. To write awe inspiring ground shaking articles that glues eyeballs to computer screen, which is the crown jewel. Once a visitor arrives at your site, you have approximately 5 seconds or less to captivate their interest. To keep them continuing to read your information. Tick-Tock. Think of all the […]

Establishing Belief Prosperity As An Entrepreneur
We grow up with certain limiting beliefs, and as a result become boxed into thinking we can do so much in our life. That our potential goes so far. We’re mentally and mechanically fitted with blinders to fulfill certain self defined projected objectives. The biggest challenge then becomes the realization we need to work through […]

Self Motivation Is The Key To Start Your Online Business
Never think you’re useless, at times lazy, and are becoming a burden to your family and society. Never think you’re getting tired of this thing called living, that you’re aloof and there’s a pointless stagnant neutral drift about your life. What you know best is yourself, and those closest to you suspect you can become […]

How To Generate More Reader Response To Your Blog Content
For many, it’s just pure ego gratification when looking at the comments section of their blog or Facebook postings, to read about those who agree or disagree with them. Realize it’s not about you, as there’s certain volatile topics which will naturally generate discussion and raises controversy. There’s also certain topics of general interest that […]

How The Greatest Leaders Among Us Become Leaders
There are distinct qualities which separates great leaders in our midst, from we the general population. The most noticeable includes foresight of the future and depth in their vision. This vision includes defining their goals and purpose in life. Setting goals are usually the prime objective on what they’re attempting to achieve, to conquer what […]