Imagine if you could earn money, a commission from home on a popular in demand brand-name product, this by placing a link or an image, or writing a review on your blog. Or you can send it out to your email list. This in a nutshell, is what “Affiliate Marketing” is! OK… so it’s not […]
Tag: Wealthy Affiliate

How To Write Provocative Content Readers Will Absorb
So what you learn is that content is king. For it to rock, this content needs to be provocative, a selection of words that glues eyeballs to the computer screen. Once your visitor arrives at your site, you have approximately 3 seconds or less to captivate their interest, to keep them continuing to read your […]

Using Simple Math On How To Make Money In Affiliate Marketing
Most think that Affiliate Marketing sounds easy. All that I need is a blog, and I don’t even need my own product? All that I do is just promote the products that’s owned by others, and once they sell, I earn a commission. So there’s really no risk on my part, other than buying a […]

Ways To Build A Better WordPress Blog To Get More Traffic
The majority of the blogs out there on the Internet, including some Affiliate Marketing blogs are not user friendly enough. They should act as a filter to an existing company, business or a product. What blogs do is they add a human element. They add a social component to the online concern, one that adds […]

The Best Affiliate Marketing Programs For Beginners
So you’re wondering, is it possible for me to make money online starting an Affiliate Marketing business, with a WordPress blog? How much can I expect to earn, would it be enough so I can live a comfortable lifestyle? How much would it cost, for me to start up my own home based business? If […]